Lower Silesian backbone launched telecom network inventory system provided by Suntech. The system has been integrated with Network Management Systems. SunVizion Network Inventory facilitates network management, speeds the time of network failure resolution and shortens the time of connecting new customers to the network. 

Lower Silesian backbone is 40 million euro investment implemented under the EU project. With new backbone network telecommunication Lower Silesian companies can build their own access networks in the areas with low profitability. The network is open to all telecom companies who provide broadband services to end users.

This is how Adam Okniński, Director of the Department of Information Systems at the Lower Silesia Province Office, evaluates the potential effects of the implementation:

In the model of network operation adopted in the Lower Silesian Province, where the state retains ownership of the network and network operator is responsible for the provision of services, network inventory system creates a technological foundation for the cooperation of the public entity with the private partner. Implementation of the system and its integration with other network management systems enables the Lower Silesian province effective supervision on the condition and usage of all network assets. It is possible to monitor on-line the range and quality of services provided in the network, and thus track progress in achieving the objectives of the public project.

The main user of the SunVizion system will be DSS Operator, the company responsible for the management, maintenance and expansion of the network. Thanks to the detailed data of the network we will be able to efficiently manage the infrastructure of the network and provided services. By providing accurate data on existing infrastructure, its location and current utilization, SunVizion system will also optimize the process of network expansion - says Eugeniusz Kowalik, CEO of DSS Operator.

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