Suntech announced that Tele2 Russia has launched SunVizion Network Inventory and Planning solution to store and manage information about logical and physical network elements and optimise the processes related to network management.

Bringing services to 40 million subscribers Tele2 Russia is currently one of the biggest mobile operators in Russian Federation. SunVizion system stores and manages all data related to logical and physical transport network assets. Thanks to in-built powerful workflow engine SunVizion optimises processes related to network maintenance, network planning and management of the services.


By intelligent auto-discovery and reconciliation mechanisms SunVizion captures data from all Network Monitoring Systems used by Tele2 Russia. By processing data downloaded from various systems of different vendors SunVizion works as an umbrella solution delivering to the user the holistic and complete picture of network topology. Intelligent processing of data related to current load of radio-lines allows network planners to optimise transmission network and to detect problems with the network load before they happen. In case of threat of network overload SunVizion workflow engine starts the process related to network optimisation.


"Thanks to innovative architecture SunVizion system enables smooth mapping of the information between logical and physical layers of our network. The information is mapped from one layer to another so that each logical connection can be finally assigned to a specific connection in physical network. Thus we can easily detect which data gathered manually is not correct. If logical connection doesn’t have its physical counterpart, we know that the data about the network has to be corrected or completed." – said Head of Transport Network Planning and Development Department Evgeny Starodubtsev.


In case of integration with Fault Management system, SunVizion will utilise gathered data about the network to indicate the precise failure location, which will significantly reduce the time of its removal. If there is a need of planned disconnection of a given network segment, SunVizion analyses which network elements will be affected by this disconnection and which services will not be available. The maintenance department therefore can choose the least harmful way of planned network disconnection.


"There is no successful network management without optimisation of workflows related to network processes. The great advantage of SunVizion is agile workflow engine perfectly tailored to telecom needs. Workflow engine downloads data from inventory system, starts the process, assigns tasks to employees and supervises their implementation. After finishing the process, workflow engine loads the new data back into inventory system, which thanks to auto discovery mechanisms can quickly verify if the result of a given process complies with what was supposed to be done." – said Olga Rakevich, Project Manager in Suntech, responsible for the implementation.


SunVizion workflow can be used to optimise the process of controlling the legality of licenses for radio-lines and radio base stations. The system says which licences have to be purchased or prolonged and when is the best moment to pay for them. This way the system prevents the risk of penalties but also eliminates the lost generated by paying for licences which are no longer needed. This small optimisation generates significant saving for OPEX.

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